How to Play Saxophone

by Mega Solutions


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This app contains all you need to know to start learning to be a great saxophone player.Step-by-step instructions on Saxophone Tutorials:
How to Play the Alto Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Get Started with the Saxophone: 2 StepsHow to Play the Tenor Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Play Jazz Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Clean a Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Assemble a Saxophone: 9 StepsHow to Improvise on the Saxophone: 6 StepsHow to Tune a Saxophone: 4 StepsHow to Hit Altissimo Notes on the Sax: 8 StepsHow to Assemble a Tenor Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Play Jazz on the Sax: 6 StepsHow to Practice the Saxophone: 8 StepsHow to Prepare a Reed for a Saxophone: 5 StepsHow to Carry a Saxophone Safely: 10 StepsHow to Choose an Alto Saxophone: 7 StepsHow to Troubleshoot a Saxophone: 7 StepsHow to Do Vibrato on a Saxophone: 4 StepsHow to Mic a Saxophone: 6 StepsHow to Clean a Saxophone Mouthpiece: 6 Steps
Learn the Saxophone Tutorials with videos,these videos will really help you out!
How to Play the SaxophoneHow to Play the Saxophone Octave KeyHow to Tune the SaxophoneHow to Play the Sax with a MetronomeHow to Play the Chromatic Scale on a SaxophoneHow to Assemble a SaxSax Soloing TipsHow to Slur Notes on a SaxophoneHow to Play Alternate Sax FingeringsHow to Play the Blues Scale on a SaxophoneHow to Pick Saxophone ReedsSaxophone Reed PlacementSax Rhythm ExercisesHow to Do Circular BreathingProper Sax Finger PlacementHow to Play a Diminished Scale on a SaxophoneSaxophone Reed CareSaxophone Tongue TechniquesSax Breathing ExercisesSax Warm-up ExercisesSaxophone ArticulationRange of the SaxophoneHow to Play the Pentatonic Scale on a SaxophoneHow to Play the Blues Scale on a SaxophoneSax Transposition GuideSaxophone Growling